Program: Icebreaker - AI - Virus • Install: 3 • Memory: 1 • Strength: X • Influence: 3

2credit: Break ice subroutine.

X is one more than the number of virus counters on Darwin.

When your turn begins, you may pay 1credit to place 1 virus counter on Darwin.

Anarch • Liiga Smilshkalne • Future Proof 102
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Darwin, one of many AIs.

  • Changes: Strength X<X+1.

  • Pros: AI breakers let you face-check early. Virus, so Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire can search this up with a Djinn and start Lampreying HQ or Medium pressuring. Holds it's strength across your whole turn.

  • Cons: Takes a while to build up virus counters so you can run without a ton of Datasucker tokens. 2 per is very high, though all AIs should have serious baggage. Cyberdex Virus Suite wrecks you hard, and everyone is slotting 2 these days.

7/10 One of the worse AIs, though Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire gets some serious milage out of it with a backup Crypsis.

(Mind and Mayhem era)