Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Data Leak Reversal, aka DLR.
Changes: Influence 1<3. Now you can't run it out of Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist.
Pros: Free to install. You can get infinite 0 0 blank viruses with Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire's ability. Fish the agendas out of the bin with Hades Shard, and win by pure non-interactive-ness.
Cons: Requires a successful central server run, and doesn't do anything unless you are tagged. The Corp can then trash it. The DLR decks of old would run 3 non-unique Wireless Net Pavilions out of Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe to block The All-Seeing I. This no longer works, and the MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock decks that succeeded it had other influence nerfs. Tagging yourself is often a really dumb idea.
6/10 Useful in many situtations, but actively loses many games.
Fall Guy has been hit to a whopping 3 inf. Including a lot of Anarch ID inf nerfs, building the suite is considerably more challenging. Not impossible though.
— Gaslight
Surely now though it's a matter of going three fall guys, and keep a Wireless Net Pavilion in deck as icing on the cake? If you're running tag me anyway, you'll have a siphon on board too right, to suck credits out and slow the corps appetite to trash resources. Am I being a bit confident in the effectiveness of a such a deck?
— Scoogsy