Program: Caïssa • Install: 0 • Memory: 1 • Influence: 2

click: Host Bishop on a piece of ice not hosting a Caïssa. If already hosted, Bishop can be hosted only on ice protecting a central server if Bishop is on ice protecting a remote server, or on ice protecting a remote server if Bishop is on ice protecting a central server.

Host ice has -3 strength.

Anarch • Adam S. Doyle • Second Thoughts 21
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Bishop, the worst Caïssa.

  • Changes: Strength reduction 2<3.

  • Pros: Free to install. High strength reduction unaffected by Cyberdex Virus Suite.

  • Cons: Magnet makes this irrelevant, does not stack with Knight, anti-synergy with Pawn unless you wish to recur it. Takes up on Deep Red, and outclassed by Datasucker. Difficult to move around. Only applies to 1 ice, unlike Rook.

4/10 Use Rook or Knight.

(Style and Slander era)