Program: Icebreaker - Decoder • Install: 6 • Memory: 1 • Strength: 3 • Influence: 2

3credit: Break up to 3 code gate subroutines.

1credit: +5 strength.

It's efficient as all hell, for certain very large values of "efficient". The whale avatar is either a nice touch or a tragic misapplication of programmer man-hour, depending on who you ask. -BT's Guide to Icebreaking
Criminal • Teuku Muharra • Second Thoughts 26
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Leviathan, which has flavor text that essentially says: "Really good at breaking huge code gates like Orion, and junk for anything merely large or smaller. The art should have gone on a better card."

2/10 Another dismal decoder.

(Style and Slander era)