ICE: Sentry - AP • Rez: 5 • Strength: 2 • Influence: 2

subroutine End the run unless the Corp pays 1credit.

subroutine Do 1 net damage.

subroutine Do 1 net damage.

subroutine Do 1 net damage.

"It's ice so dangerous it has safety protocols. Think about that." -g00ru
Jinteki • Adam S. Doyle • True Colors 74
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Tsurugi, Japanese for Sword.

  • Changes: Rez cost 6>5.

  • Pros: Tax Mimic hard with 4 subroutines, which want you to break as many as possible. If the Runner doesn't break it, you can hit them with Neural Katana by paying 1, or end the run. The ETR is immune to Endless Hunger, as it does not say "End the run." only. 5 to rez is decent. Without Forked, Faust hates this. Unlike Komainu, always has plenty of subs.

  • Cons: Parasite. Lamis breaks this for 3 (plus the 2 loss after the run.) Faerie breaks this for 0. Weak to Faust with Forked. Komainu is cheaper and can get more subs.

7/10 Nasty face-check that can end the run.

(Style and Slander era)