Hardware: Chip • Install: 2 • Influence: 2

+2memory unit

"CyberSolutions is a boring name for a company that makes pretty exciting products. Their memory chips have some pretty tricky stuff going on inside and I keep hearing good things about their M/MI implants. I even heard they were on the path to their own androids about a year ago. I wonder whatever happened with that?" -Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
Shaper • Gong Studios • Fear and Loathing 86
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CyberSolutions Mem Chip
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Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: CyberSolutions Mem Chip, 2 Akamatsu Mem Chips stapled together.

  • Changes: Install cost 4>2. TheBigBoy was considering buffing this to 1 and Akamatsu to 0$, but decided to leave them as is.

  • Pros: 2 for 2 is good. You can use this on Personal Workshop to keep something you don't want to install yet from losing all its power counters. 2 influence makes this a decent import.

  • Cons: Subsidized Processor / Borrowed Storage is better unless you only plan to exceed your by 2 ever. But in that case you may prefer Akamatsu Mem Chip and a console.

5/10 Nice solution if you are low on slots.

(Style and Slander era)