Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Silencer, which has the lamest art ever on relation to how well-drawn it is. Why do we need to see Gabriel Santiago's face with the Silencer itself barely visible?
Changes: Install cost 1>0. This was fairly recent, to help Stealth Andy into Tier 1.
Pros: Fuel up Switchblade and dominate Tour Guide, which has no good solution outside of this and Parasite. 0 to install is great, don't for a if you have this in your hand unless you are worried about the Corp flatlining you.
Cons: 3 influence means that this is not going into Stealth Kit. Bad outside of Stealth decks.
7/10 Best Stealth Chip, even better than Lockpick, because has Cloak, and 0 install cost is good.