Operation: Double • Cost: 0 • Influence: 2

As an additional cost to play this operation, spend click.

Shuffle all cards in HQ into R&D. Draw 6 cards.

The only thing worse than being fired and replaced by a younger, cheaper worker? Being replaced by an android.
NBN • Agri Karuniawan • Double Time 113
All sets:
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Corporate Shuffle
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Corporate Shuffle, another would-be Jackson Howard.

  • Changes: Cards drawn: 5<6.

  • Pros: Flooded? Get a new hand for just and 0! 2 influence is easy to import, you can shuffle a bunch of expensive ice back into your deck to Accelerated Beta Test.

  • Cons: First of all, Jackson Howard is just better, and if you want access to more ABT rigging, you can play Rework in faction. Jackson is only 1 inf per copy. You will have to spend your remaining click installing something or playing an operation if you don't want to lose one of your shiny new cards, even if you'd rather save them for later.


(Style and Slander era)