ICE: Sentry - Code Gate - Barrier • Rez: 3 • Strength: 5 • Influence: 0

subroutine End the run.

The annual review of ice as published by the NSCA consistently gives top marks to the ice that provide the most impact in relation to their size and upkeep cost. Critics of the NSCA point to the bounce ratio as the most important stat when judging ice.
Neutral • Ed Mattinian • Honor and Profit 25
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Rainbow, the only barrier that is also a code gate and a sentry.

  • Changes: Strength 4<5.

  • Pros: Excellent strength-to-cost ratio. Neutral, so any deck can play this. 5 strength annoys basically any breaker.

  • Cons: Weak to D4v1d. Any breaker can break this (with Datasucker tokens) except Deus X, Gingerbread and Sharpshooter.

6/10 Good in decks that just want to tax late-game and bounce early-game.

(Style and Slander era)