Operation: Gray Ops • Cost: 0 • Influence: 0

Play only if the Runner is tagged.

The Runner's memory limit is reduced by 2 until the end of the turn.

Known as malware 0-394-41525-6 to sysops, runners just refer to it as "bad times."
Neutral • Adam S. Doyle • Upstalk 12
All sets:
Links: Decklists | ANCUR
Bad Times
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Bad Times, which has the funniest/worst art in the game.

  • Changes: Play cost 4>0.

  • Pros: Bye bye, Self-modifying Code! Neutral, 0 to play, and can be tutored with Due Diligence!

  • Cons: The Runner gets to choose which program to trash, and Overmind decks just laugh at you, as do Runners that aren't fully set up. Exile: Streethawk will also laugh very hard. Tags are hard to get.

3/10 There are plenty of better tag punishment options out there. Regardless, I'm gonna go humiliate myself by playing this.

(Style and Slander era)