Identity: Corp • Deck: 45 • Influence: 12

Whenever you score an agenda, you may place 1 agenda counter on it.

The Way Forward.
Weyland Consortium • Emilio Rodriguez • Order and Chaos 3
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Links: Decklists | ANCUR
Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon: Identity Crisis! an unfortunately named spin-off to an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future, which needs to be the next Preconstructed deck.

  • Changes: Influence limit 17>12. With the buff to Posted Bounty, Titan was poised to be the best Weyland ID by a long shot, and just moving Astro-train into Weyland is not appealing.

  • Pros: You can install a SanSan City Grid, score a Project Atlas, and next turn if the Runner hasn't trashed the SSCG, tutor and score another. You also get a bunch of money off of Mark Yale from all the agenda counters that don't do anything.

  • Cons: Only 12 influence, you will have to do without Jackson Howard.

  • Playstyle: This is quintessential Titan Rush, this is a kill deck. Just go really fast and use Mark Yale to remote bait and get a zillion credits. It's like GRNDL, but skill-based!

7/10 Atlas trains are a-rolling.

(Style and Slander era)