Astrasaurus (Star Lizard)

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Deck valid after First Rotation
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
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Woody23 29

Chaos Theory loves her teddy dino! "I love my teddy dino." said chaos theory as she went upstairs to go to bed. "My dino keeps away the monsters. he snores pretty loud, but it's worth it." she mutters as she falls asleep.

To play this deck you have to dump Morning Star on Dinosaurus. Which means you'll have to mulligan for dinosaurus. you have to get him as early as possible.

Once you get Dinosaurus, See if you can get Morning star. either draw as much as possible for it, or get it with Test Run. make sure you have Magnum Opus first to make it cheaper to permanently install it. host it on Dinosaurus and you'll have a seven strength barrier breaker that will make the corp sit there helplessly watching their barriers fall apart.

Dinosaurus stirred. a bright light shined through his window. He woke up only to be confronted by an archer. "I'll take your star away if you don't mind." said he. "No! me love me star!" wails Dinosaurus.

"I'm doing it for your own good." replies the archer. "Goodbye."

You don't want an archer stealing your beloved teddy dino's toy, so you must protect it. sentries are usually the ones that love stealing toys. it's a cruel world, and we must defend ourselves.

Suddenly, a spinning disk flies in through the window. it knocks the archer on the head three times.. a ninja appears through the window. "I'll take that if you don't mind." says the ninja. The Archer leaves, tossing two coins in the air. "At least it's not a total waste." grumbles the archer.

"Me hero!" cries Dinosaurus in delight, as the ninja gives him back his star. Chaos Theory stirs, unaware of what taken place.

Ninja must be installed, or else your only star will be gone forever (unless you play test run, but it will cost a lot.). Ninja must get it's strength boosted with The Personal touch.

Well, if you don't get ninja, you can install Sacrificial Construct instead.

"Where is it?" demands the archer.

"Whaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!" roars Dinosaurus in delight. The archer manages to discover that the star is locked away in a vault and he can't get it open.

"Open this up this instant!" growls Mr. Archer, drawing back his bow.

"I can't." replies Dinosaurus.


"Because I accidentally swallowed the key at breakfast."

"Oh well, that means no one can use the star. goodbye." the archer leaves.

"Sucker." snickers Dinosaurus as he gets out his little star that wasn't even in the vault.

Okay, that keeps your teddy happy. as for the rest of this stuff, the deck is built around keeping your teddy safe and happy.

Dinosaurus smiled happily to himself. soon, he would build a Paintbrush to use with his star.


5 Aug 2023 Fluffy1

Funny fan fiction.

5 Aug 2023 Woody23

I'm looking forward to making more decks with descriptions like this one. :)

6 Aug 2023 Woody23

Update: cut inside job for another star.

7 Aug 2023 Woody23

Announcement: working on a noise deck with ridiculous description!