Amani is Watching

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Gaslight 198

This deck is mean when you draw amani and pretty much worthless otherwise.

You will need 2 remotes. Which sucks, but 1 semi-taxing piece is good enough for amani. The rest relies on your defensive upgrades and Archangel. If you're lucky they'll run into exploda-herrings, paying you out for juicy traces when you score. If things go well you'll have crims give up on installing desperado and other runners spending 18 on yog. Other times it will feel like your ice does nothing and your agendas are sad while amani sits at the bottom of the deck twiddling her thumbs. So it goes.

30 Dec 2023 Gaslight

I changed this a lot for winter champs:

-1 Ash, -1 Wraparound, -3 Enigma, -1 Pop-up Window, -1 Guard

+1 Rototurret, +2 Quandary, +1 Red herrings, +2 Eli 1.0, +1 RSVP

Overall i think it's an improvement to the ice suite. Highlight blowing up a torch with roto behind archangel. Overall I think it only won about half the games played though. 2 Games vs link Iain didn't help the stats :P