[Jankuary] Mills in Red

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Pre-rotation decklist
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
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None. Self-made deck here.
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zailey 301

did someone say Kyuudoka in RP??

Shinobi is a cool card that is actually bad. Kyuudoka is a cool card that is actually good!

Turns out if the runner has 1 link your 6 cost ICE costs 3 to break ~_~ and vs. Sunny if just gets worse...

This deck might actually be good though if you swap out ninjas for evil dogs as Kyuudoka is very strong and requires an answer. The other high STR sentries help tax D4 and datasucker etc.

Tampering is a card that I enjoy and if they steal one of ur clones it can save you. ANY BP is a death wish with RP

Carrington has never actually done anything but its funny :P