New AngeLIES

Most Wanted List
Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
New AngeLIES 1.1 (?) [Spring Champs Cheese Queen]
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zailey 297

Based on this old school @beyoken deck:

Went 4-1 in Constructed League 5, losing only at table 1 against @vslice. Deck is cheesy but even if they know the trick they will have to play into TarMar. I've only ever lost once with it actually. Definitely benefits from the fact that Tempo Sol is a good deck that requires a specific style of play.

How does this deck work?

  • Step 1: News Hound is the best gearcheck Sentry in NBN. We play an NBN-style gearcheck suite with a lot of hate directed towards sucker rigs. Little Engine and Wall of Static are also great for making the runner get an additional piece.

  • Step 2: Targeted Marketing protects us from siphon, don't make the mistake I made in the final round and play it on anything else vs. Crim, unless you have seen all of the siphons hit the bin or something.

  • Step 3: The agenda suite is 🔮🪐, once you have an astro scored they can theoretically die on any unadvanced card. Alternatively, we blow up their resources. GFI is even on the table and we can score out against Eater decks.

On turn 1, we don't have to ICE centrals if we can set up a strong rush opener. Remember, you aren't playing fair if they are -- always look to win the game in as few scores as possible.

Out bad matchup is Gabe but I have found he runs over Sol in most builds anyway so I don't care.

The biggest buff that benefits us is Sol's small decksize, increasing the consistency of our kill and CharAss plans as well as the reliability of News Hound's second subroutine.

Best part is no one respects kill out of Sol. Personally, I think it's one of the best kill IDs in Reboot. This deck doesn't even use any of the booster cards! The vanilla Reboot special. Happy hunting ////\%,.,%/\