New Runner Deck

Most Wanted List
Deck valid after First Rotation
Core Set
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
My first Runner deck (probably doesn't work)
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Woody23 29

This is the first deck I built using Netrunner reboot. at first I was using Null Signal, until I found out about this cool reboot project that had more stuff. I ditched NSG and went over here, and built a deck. note: I have not playtested it. I wanted the idea to be like all noise decks, trashing R&D until the corp gets decked, and before it happens, you break through Archives and fish out the trashed agendas if any.

25 Jul 2023 Gaslight

I'm assuming this is for a core-only pool. Looks good! Seems like a crypsis wouldn't go amiss in noise.

26 Jul 2023 Woody23

Well, your right, but I didn't really like that it costed 5 to install, and you have to spend a couple of clicks to keep it going. even with Grimoire. I figured that it wouldn't be worth adding. I'll see how it goes.

I tried it out yesterday against startup. bad mistake. I scored 7 points in 1 turn. At least I lost once against startup, so I can still play the deck against them without them quitting.