My first Runner deck (probably doesn't work)

Most Wanted List
Deck valid after First Rotation
Core Set
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
Derived from
New Runner Deck
Inspiration for
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Woody23 29

This is the first deck I built using Netrunner reboot. at first I was using Null Signal, until I found out about this cool reboot project that had more stuff. I ditched NSG and went over here, and built a deck. note: I have not playtested it. (update: I now played this a lot and love it!) I wanted the idea to be like all noise decks, trashing R&D until the corp gets decked, and before it happens, you break through Archives and fish out the trashed agendas if any.

Update: this can't deck the Corp unless the Corp is a bad player or you're really lucky.

Changes to deck:

+1 Corroder +1 Mimic + Yog.0 +1 Medium -1 Parasite -3 Diesel +3 Modded -2 Stimhack

30 Jul 2023 HuginRonin

I've got to say, it's an interesting choice to go for moddeds in noise. The only thing I am really missing here is consistent draw, do you have a plan for that?

31 Jul 2023 Woody23

Your right. I don't use Aesop's pawnshop, so I better cut that for Diesel.

31 Jul 2023 HuginRonin

Oh, if you're not using Aesop's (which seems reaaaally weird) you can consider chop bot if you still got things to trash, that way you can free up some inf for other things.

1 Aug 2023 Fluffy1

Just played against him, he has realized the power of Aesop :( I should have put something better than Viktor 1.0 on R&D. And I can confirm Mandatory Upgrades sucks in a What Lies Ahead cardpool.

1 Aug 2023 Woody23

Yep. Aesop's pawnshop is insane. By the way, When we were tied on 2 points, I ran R&D with 2 mediums and got 5 agenda points and won when Fluffy1 said "What the..!". It was funny, but it was kinda a lazy way to win.