Watch this. It'll be cool.

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Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
Derived from
My first Runner deck (probably doesn't work)
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None yet
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Woody23 29

Hello everyone, I just got What Lies Ahead and I'm really happy with it. The main card I really was excited about was Imp, which is waaaayyy better than Demolition Run, which only triggers in one run. I built a Whizzard deck, took it apart again in disgust (I'll get back to him later when he's actually good.), and built this. This deck is based off of another deck I made, with the updates still intact below. Enjoy!

Changes to deck:

+1 Corroder +1 Mimic +1 Yog.0 +1 Medium -1 Parasite -3 Diesel +3 Modded -2 Stimhack

Update 2: (included Cyber Exodus which I just got)

-2 Infiltration -2 Modded -3 Demolition Run -1 Djinn +1 Parasite +2 Stimhack +3 Imp +2 Aesop's Pawnshop

1 Aug 2023 Woody23

It wasn't until recently that I realized how insane Aesop's Pawnshop was. I included it and was sooooo delighted. why did I neglect this cool card from the past two weeks of owning reboot?