Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Demolition Run, a linchpin of Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer Imp Singularity decks.
*Changes: Cost 2>0. This makes it much better economically. You can now use Smashing Spree to save deck slots.
*Pros: Can save a lot of money on Oaktown Grid HQ or R&D. Counters Encryption Protocol decks somewhat. Can be used with Medium to dig further down the next run. Can trash anything, even operations or ice. Dionysus Bagbiter: Luxe Larcenist loves this with his extra accesses, though he will always slot Smashing Spree instead.
*Cons: Above mentioned Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer hates hitting operations with this, but that's Kim's fault. Sorry Captain Hammer!
7/10 Classic Anarch card.