Identity: Natural • Link: 1 • Deck: 45 • Influence: 17

Trash the first operation you access each turn at no cost.

"My only regret is that androids cannot feel my hate."
Anarch • Adam Schumpert • Order and Chaos 28
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Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon: Identity Crisis! an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer, the only 17 influence Anarch ID.

  • Changes: Influence 15<17.

  • Pros: 17 influence and immunity to combo decks!

  • Cons: Your ability is usually worse than every other Anarch's, although it can be clutch, it's impossible to effectively build around, except with Human Rights Riot, Glee, and Bhagat.

  • Playstyle: Gang Kim is the most famous Reboot build, be happy when you draw Gang Sign, as you can use HQ Interface to trash Hedge Funds and Scorched Earths. This is an example of Desperado Kim, which just takes advantage of the 17 influence to import Despy. Really just any Reg Anarch deck with HRR in it is good out of Kim if you stuff more influence in.

6/10 17 influence good. Ability lame.

(Style and Slander era)