Resource • Install: 1 • Influence: 4

The first time you trash a card being accessed from a central server each turn, gain 1credit and force the Corp to trash 1 card at random from HQ.

When hopes and dreams are loose in the streets, the timid had better lie low.
Anarch • Karl Erik Holter via DALL-E • Reflections 2
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Human Rights Riot
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Note: This review is written from a Horde player. This is the only way I ever use this card and my deck runs HQ. Expect lots of things in review that won't be aplicable to other decks.

Human Rights Riot is absolutely insane. Whenever I use it I usually make ~3 with it and 3 extra cards in archives. Along with The Horde: Defiant Disenfrancistos, things will get really fun.

-Cost, Influence, and Deckbuilding-

With only 1 install cost, you can quickly install it and get lots of value from it. since you will have to pay money in the first place to trash a card, it's not as gross as it seems at first glance. The 4 influence basically makes this card say it's for only. When slotting this card, I suggest including only 1 copy because it's unique, unless you're playing some kind of jank.

-Using This card when it's on the table-

There's a lot you can do with this card.

1st: It triggers even if you're not running. This means you can stack it with Gang Sign & HQ Interface if you draw them. I have a Horde deck that can use this combo if it gets the pieces.

2nd: When running HQ, you can nuke it when using this. Slam down an Imp & HQ Interface and you'll know what I'm talking about (If you also use Glee things really go crazy). If only Gravedigger could benefit from this.

3rd: Use it with Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer. When he's trashing those ops, HRR will turn on and have fun. I haven't personally used Kim with this card, so I don't know too much about it.

-Matchups That Hate This Card And The Decks That Use It-

Blue Sun: Powering the Future: Blue Sun is constantly bouncing their ice into HQ. if you trash it from there, they might slow down or collapse entirely. Getting in might be a challenge, but when you do this will make them miserable.

Cerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers: This is a speculation, because I rarely play against CI. I think that if you trash their combos and keep tempo they might run out of steam. I expect this is wrong but might be a decent guess.

Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center: NEH has to keep drawing cards to keep tempo. Most decks are flooded, too. If your trashing stuff from HQ they'll be very miserable (DRT NEH is already miserable most games anyway).

Scorched Earth: If it's in HQ it's going to die pretty fast. Where's that Jackson Howard?

And also any deck that has combo pieces in HQ.

-Final Thoughts-

I think that @ThebigBoy has done an excellent job making this card. It's very fun and doesn't ruin the meta. I hope TBB makes more cards like this in future packs.

My rating: 7/10. This card is tier 2 at the least.

(Style and Slander era)