ICE: Barrier • Rez: 7 • Strength: 7 • Influence: 3

Hadrian's Wall can be advanced and has +1 strength for each advancement token on it.

subroutine End the run.

subroutine End the run.

"He had a bit of an ego, ol' Hadrian. His constructs live up to it though." -g00ru
Weyland Consortium • Bruno Balixa • Core Set 102
All sets:
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Hadrian's Wall
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Hadrian's Wall, the big Weyland barrier. (Curtain Wall is the BIG Weyland barrier)

*Changes: Rez cost 10>7 This is a huge buff, making it more cost-effective thann Ice Wall and Wall of Static or Bastion, though it's still expensive so about even.

*Pros: 2 subs plus equal strength to rez cost. It will cost the Runner more money than you if they run it multiple times. Weyland Consortium: Because We Built It should use this ice. Advanceable is nice to block Atman or Morning Star.

*Cons: Expensive, high influence cost.

7/10 Nice big barrier.

(Mind and Mayhem era)