Operation: Transaction • Cost: 2 • Influence: 1

Play only if the Runner made an unsuccessful run during their last turn.

Gain 8credit.

Success is defined by the safety of data, not the safety of potential intruders.
Haas-Bioroid • Irys Ching • Creation and Control 14
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Successful Demonstration
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Successful Demonstration, the most powerful credit-only Transaction operation.

  • Changes: Gain 7<8. With these cards, a single change is huge. This is better than Restructure if you can play it.

  • Pros: 1 for 6 from just 2 is a huge swing and really punishes jacking out or bouncing off ice or Caprice Nisei. Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within really likes this card, as you build giant centrals that the Runner often gives up on. You can use Bouncer to get an unsuccessful run and threaten SEA Source-Scorched Earth kill if they run again. Very good against Adam: Compulsive Hacker if he doesn't want to through your barriers. Cheap to import out of faction.

  • Cons: You need an unsuccessful run, many Shapers will only run if they are sure to get in. Doesn't combo with Crisium Grid it just makes a gray area run that is neither successful or unsuccessful with all the access benefits.

7/10 Way better than it looks, worth building around.

(Style and Slander era)