Operation • Cost: 1 • Influence: 1

Look at the top 2 cards of R&D. If any of those cards are operations, you may play them (paying their play cost), ignoring any additional costs. Trash the rest of the unplayed cards you looked at.

"I'm getting a reading that is…off the charts. No, it crashed the charts. That counts as off, right?"
Haas-Bioroid • Gong Studios • Mala Tempora 52
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Accelerated Diagnostics
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Accelerated Diagnostics, once the best combo card in the game. Now the best combo card in a pretty much wombo-combo free card game.

  • Changes: Cards looked at 3>2. boardgamegeek.com This explains what people used to do with this card.

  • Pros: If you draw this, a Power Shutdown, and Jackson Howard, you can play any 2 operations in R&D or Archives for 1, and X+1, where X is the play cost of the 2 operations. Only 1 influence. This is one of the key cards in Cerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers decks, as wombo-combo is the only thing they are any good at.

  • Cons: Useless outside of a deck specifically built to utilize it. Power Shutdown takes a run.

5/10 Best card in a Tier 2.5 deck.

(Style and Slander era)