ICE: Sentry - Tracer - Destroyer • Rez: 5 • Strength: 4 • Influence: 2

subroutine Trace [4]– If successful, trash 1 program. If your trace strength is 5 or greater, trash 1 program.

Sagittarius promised foresight, but brought only regret.
Haas-Bioroid • Dan Maynard • All That Remains 82
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Sagittarius, the best Zodiac sentry.

  • Changes: Trace strength 2<4.

  • Pros: 4 strength sentry that can eat 2 programs. This guy is really good with Marcus Batty to either eat the Runner's entire rig, or make them pay serious money.

  • Cons: 5 to rez, Ichi 1.0 and Ichi 2.0 are walking around. This is not a good choice for a bioroid ice suite for that reason. Gingerbreads have been sighted out of Andy.

7/10 3rd best HB sentry.

(Style and Slander era)