Hardware • Install: 0 • Influence: 1

1recurring credit

Use this credit to install programs.

Cybsoft started by designing games. Eventually they just redesigned the same game each year, and to combat piracy created a dedicated machine to play it. Profits grew ten-fold.
Shaper • Gong Studios • All That Remains 98
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Cybsoft MacroDrive
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Cybsoft MacroDrive, Cyberfeeder but only for installs.

  • Changes: Install cost 2>0.

  • Pros: 0 to install, only 1 influence. Cheapen your program installs, this sees a lot of play out of Scheherazade decks, like Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire, who will use this with Schez to install viruses for negative cost and make money with Aesop's Pawnshop. This is good out of Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar, for more information ask @HuginRonin.

  • Cons: If you aren't installing lots of programs, this is quite lame.

6/10 Good out of Aesop's Pawnshop and Scheherazade decks.

(Style and Slander era)