Asset • Rez: 0 • Trash: 2 • Influence: 3

Allele Repression can be advanced.

trash: Swap 1 card in HQ with 1 card in Archives for each advancement token on Allele Repression.

Jinteki • JB Casacop • The Underway 73
All sets:
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Allele Repression
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Allele Repression, 2nd worst of the advance-able non-Ambush assets.

  • Changes: Rez cost 2>0.

  • Pros: Better than Test Ground!

  • Cons: That's not a pro. Since the Mushin No Shin nerf, trashing your hand to recur things is bad out of Jinteki. Just play Interns. Low trash cost.

2/10 Play Interns.

(Style and Slander era)