Asset • Rez: 1 • Trash: 4 • Influence: 1

Whenever you score an agenda, you may install a card from Archives or HQ, ignoring the install cost.

The SanSan Outlaws have a close relationship with Haas-Bioroid's sports engineering division, SHIFT.
Haas-Bioroid • Mike Nesbitt • The Universe of Tomorrow 110
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Team Sponsorship
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Team Sponsorship, the best non-Campaign asset.

  • Changes: UNIQUE. Previously there were a lot of Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future decks that would get 3 installs off of a single Accelerated Beta Test, often installing the non-ice that ABT trashed. If the Runner didn't trash all 3 Sponsorships, you could use the still-installed one to recur them.

  • Pros: Recursion and installs, making Accelerated Beta Test even more tempo. Tired of pulling Hudson 1.0+Project Vitruvius with ABT? Put the Hudson on R&D and slap the Vitruvius in the remote. This is also sweet out of Near-Earth Hub and Gagarin Deep Space. You can also install from HQ. Only 1 influence!

  • Cons: Unique, only run this as a 1x. Archives might be empty, either due to nothing getting trashed yet, or Architect installing everything in there.

7/10 Amazing for pretty much every asset deck.

(Equity and Eternity era)