Don't call it a precon (Worlds)

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Gaslight 198

This is basically the Exile precon with a few tweaks:

46th slot Aesops. Yep. Dinosaurus replaces Astrolabe. 2x Nyashia replace 2x RDI.

I'm actually pretty happy with these changes. Exile burns through the deck so 46 isn't the biggest deal. Aesops is just some nice extra fuel if I manage to draw it. I found it very effective to keeping me going, even if i don't find it early.

Dinosaurus is more expensive, but Astrolabe was typically just for the value MU. Maybe you'd get a card off of it, but probably not. On the other hand Dino saved my bacon hosting femme to run through architects and lycan without sucker support. Plus since you Scavenge a lot, it doesn't matter too much if you draw it early.

Nyashia over RDI is nice because its cheaper, and synergizes with FCC and aesops. A little harder on the MU but overall i found it effective, and the cost reduction was a big deal when you get stuffed out of RD.

This list dropped 1 game to echo memvaults FA. Low handsize when you want to hang on to events and get big draw with for FCC is ROUGH. I managed to win the same matchup in the cut, but decided to not run it back since i thought the matchup was hard, where i lost twice as corp. Shoulda had faith. GGs to nmh!