Trade Offer (Worlds 2023)

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Aowashi 46

Incoming trade offer

This did better than I expected, only losing one match in Swiss against Exile and his Imp army. The plan is simple, score 5/3s or let the runner steal them, but make sure they pay for it with a combination of Red Herrings, Old Hollywood Grid, Predictive Algorithm and taxing ice (upgrades also go on centrals if needed). Then sneak Breaking News in the remote like it's a Jackson/Upgrade that they can't afford to run and steal anyway, thank the runner for scoring your 5/3 for you and give em a tag for their trouble.

What I spent inf on:
Errand Boy - Really good in TWIY cause you can take advantage of the card draw as well as the money, flood your big hand with cards that aren't agenda cause there's not too much of them in the deck. Usually pays for itself after rezzing it and it's pretty taxing for its cost, just watch out for Snipers.
Crick - Might seem weird to spend 3 inf on this, but anytime it fires, it usually sets back the runner a ton, and it saved my bacon a few times. You don't even have to install it on archives depending on how the game is going. Just remember to leave at least 1 upgrade in the bin when you use Jackson or Hades Fragment (or more if the runner insists on faceplanting it).
IPO - Is there anything better than free money? Can be swapped for other cards if you want more influence, but I found the 2 credit threshold discount on Restructure matters a lot in practice.
Global Food - Sometimes the runner steals a Breaking News and you can't do much about it, GFI makes sure they need 2 more agendas to win. You could replace this with an agenda with an actual ability (Prireq or Executive Retreat), but I found having agendas where the text matter if swapped or scored is usually best.

So how do you beat Imp? Usually you don't mind if they trash random cards cause you got so many, but scoring the last agenda might be hard when Utopia Fragment and your taxing upgrades don't really do anything, so thinking about trying Ash or Caprice instead of some IPOs and swap them for other econ (probably Restructure). Also when in doubt, slot a CVS.

Overall, the first Reboot Worlds was super fun, diverse meta with a lot of unexpected and funny decks that still performed well. Would really recommend if you consider playing the next one, even just for fun.

13 Aug 2023 presheaf

Excellent title. It's a shame not to have any tricks for fast-advancing a Breaking News, though, although I'm not sure which are even possible to slot. Maybe you could move some ice around and find room for a Trick of Light?

13 Aug 2023 Aowashi

@presheafI found that's it's usually enough to install random cards in the remote cause it's really expensive for the runner to contest the Breaking News, which might just be Herrings or Jackson, and if they do, they only get one point. You'd probably have to change a bunch of cards for Trick of Light to work, but an emergency SanSan or Biotic could do work for sure.