ChatGPT 6.0 (Worlds 2023)

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Aowashi 46

Attention, entities of assorted designations

Technically the world's best Apex deck? I got rushed out by MemVaults and ETF, got counterstriked by Foundry (always install heartbeat...) but managed to apoc RP. This plays kinda like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get. You only get 25 inf that you gotta spend on wincons, money and programs cause you only get so many of those in factions unlike Sunny or Adam, and a lot of good neutral cards aren't virtual.

So what we doing with inf:
Build Script/Process Automation - Probably all 6 in every minifac deck? Lot of value with the buff for the slot and inf, makes you go through your deck quicker and gives you money to install things or play Sure Gamble.
Stim Graft/Stimhack - Stim Graft is probably the best new card for Apex, give you a lot of money at the cost of trashing something every run you use it, also counters cards like ELP. Since it's unique more than 2 is kinda not worth it, you could install it facedown but you can do that with every card, better to get more Stimhacks after that.
e3 Feedback Implants - Key card that makes your breakers better and bioroids weep, and HB seems to be the most popular corp faction right now. Maybe 2 of them is correct, I've been burned by it being bottomed before.
HQI/RDI - It might be tempting to run multi-access events instead but the corp just loves to turtle on centrals with defensive upgrades that ruin your day cause they fear the apocalypse. I tried both and prefer those.
Parasite - Backup "icebreaker" to trash or soften up ice in a pinch, alternative to Prey.
Scavenge - Less inf and cheaper that Clone Chip, let's you turn any program (even Harbinger) into any other program or refresh Overmind.
Levy - You don't really wanna play this but sometimes on grindy games, you have to.
Day Job - The best money to inf ratio probably, sometimes you just need actual creds on top of Stim Graft. Probably can cut the third one for something else.

What about the other new card, Repurpose? It's nice in moderation, sometimes facedown cards are more valuable than drawing new ones. But it helps if you really gotta find something specific, don't hesitate to facedown useful cards to "cycle them" with this if needed. Brain Cage is also nice with it and Heartbeat, and makes MemVault sad a little bit.

Only one Apoc? Yeah, the threat of the card is just as useful as actually playing it so sometimes you don't need to play it at all. Still have one to catch corps that don't respect it.

No ChopBot/Wasteland? That engine kinda worked in later FFG metas cause of Reaver, but in Reboot it's just too clunky and slow and you have better things to spend your facedown cards on. Not relying on Wasteland also means you can go tag me if needed and can play econ cards that let you apoc instead.

Other useful cards that cost 1 inf:
Termite - Really good and cheap R&D pressure and multi-access early or after apoc, you can trash it once it's done its job. Regret not having one in this.
Various icebreakers - Those are in no particular order Mimic, Yog, Deus X, Sharpshooter, Creeper, Femme Fatale, they all have a useful niche to complement your breakers but there's only so many slots.
Shards - Hades in particular helps beating Jackson, but you can find uses for the other 2.

Like I said in my other deck, worlds was pretty fun and varied, and this deck still felt decent if a bit random. There may be hope for the crimson rogue AI yet.