ppvp kate, reboot worlds '23 edition

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nmh 8

A pretty standard Prepaid Voicepad Kate deck, with some experimental additions from Reflections and M&M. 1-3 in swiss, 2-2 in the cut.

Some specific thoughts:

  • Nyashia is excellent and much better than RDI in this sort of shell. Even with only 2x Maker's, I never felt like I was short on R&D multiaccess. It does put extra pressure on your memory, though, especially with this list running Imp on top of it.

  • Futureproofing was okay. I happened to draw it early a lot and was happy if I could get it off in the first couple turns, but I'm unconvinced that it earned its slot.

  • Astrolabe felt very disappointing; given the lack of asset spam in the tournament (and in Reboot in general, although I'm not sure whether that's an effect of the card pool or just players' preferences), I'll likely experiment with other consoles/MU solutions in the future.

  • I've always enjoyed running a greedy Sports Hopper over Plascrete, and the cost reduction only makes it easier to talk myself into it.

19 Aug 2023 HuginRonin

As the guy running an asset spam deck with killing at worlds, I am very glad that I didn't have to run into an astrolabe

20 Aug 2023 presheaf

I guess you're right that an extra MU would be nice. Maybe just CyberSolutions Mem Chip? Very no-frills, but that's fine.