TheBigBoy Says These Ice Are The Best

Most Wanted List
Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Phrydephisch 22

A few months ago, there was a discussion on Discord about what the best ice is in the game. TheBigBoy was kind enough to share his opinion on the matter, including a list of the top 7 or so roughly ranked. I saw that list and wondered, could I fit them all into one deck? Thus, I laid out the skeleton of this list and added it to the ongoing discussion. A few people suggested some sensible edits to the original list (moar Archangel, less Architect). Flash forward to now, and I decided to resurrect this idea for Winter Champs, where I went 3-1 with it.

So does the ice live up to the hype? Generally, I would say so. The one that impressed me most was Archer. I didn't get to rez it a lot, but when I did it always put in a ton of work. I already kind of knew this from playing it in Weyland, but I had never made the connection before of importing it into the other faction with good 2/1 agendas. The worst ice was easily Wraparound, which unsurprisingly was the only one not on TheBigBoy's list. It's here more out of necessity to fill out the extra barrier slots of the deck, and is still an amazing piece of ice in it's own right.

Overall it was great to see this thought experiment from a few months ago actually pan out into a decent showing, even if I was held back by the poor performance of my runner. It is unfortunate that the one loss all day also happened to be the one that was on stream, but such is life I guess.