A good start

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Deck valid after First Rotation
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R2devo 31

Untested 2.1 legal

22 Jun 2024 Fluffy1
23 Jun 2024 TheBigBoy

Why does your Account Siphon deck have 17 resources :D

23 Jun 2024 R2devo

@TheBigBoymy thought was you would be clearing the tags in the early game and in the late game you don't care as much about the resources, but it could also be that this deck isn't great.

30 Jun 2024 TheBigBoy

Siphon generally isn't good in yog anarch.

30 Jun 2024 Aweberman

@TheBigBoy Why not? Is it because gaining money isn't as important for the fixed-strength breakers?

1 Jul 2024 TheBigBoy

Because it's too slow to set up the rig which means you don't pressure siphon fast enough. It's not that the siphons themselves are bad when you draw them. It's that you're spending 8 influence on a card that isn't really furthering your gameplan. Better to run clone chips or SMC.