Armed and Dangerous

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Pre-rotation decklist
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Phrydephisch 22

This deck was heavily inspired by beyoken's oppenheimer list, though I did make a few important changes, mostly due to shuffling around the influence to accommodate 3 snares. This was a deliberate choice to focus in a bit more on the threat of the kill. Every agenda in the deck save for Hostile Takeover is very intimidating when installed and advanced twice (which I've learned is probably what you should be doing most of the time if you can) as it sets up a potential kill either immediately in the form of Armed Intimidation and Posted Bounty or a future kill in the form of Project Atlas counters.

This is the list as I played it in the most recent constructed league, but after putting in some reps with it I would go -1 Ice Wall -1 Grim +2 Bouncer to help the Shaper match up. Otherwise, the deck has done very well for me. Give it a spin if you want to play some rush Weyland but are tired of GRNDL or BABW.

9 Jul 2024 Woody23

Data Raven best Argus sentry. ;)