. F .U .R .N .A .CE .. A .P .Ex .

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Pre-rotation decklist
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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zailey 301

last constructed deck. undefeated other that in the top cut where Meryu beat it (twice?)

this feels like THE apex TM

  • tons of cantrips
  • 2 apoc cmon 1 is not it
  • you can actually break with Hunger + OM + e3. BE CAREFUL W HUNTING GROUNDS YOU CAN LOCK YOURSELF OUT
  • PAD used to be termite but it wasn't pulling its weight
  • feeding apex the low value parties is 5d chess

the engine is stim graft + heartbeat. furnace is your finisher for after apoc or for that last little bit of reach