RD Kate: reborn

Most Wanted List
Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gaslight 198

New and improved. I've tried a few iteration of this list. Including out of CT, but I find the kate value is just real good for the setup. Box E is the big change for MU, which is great with proco. Study guide is fun to stimhack out, but should probably be gordian.

31 Jul 2022 Gaslight

Maybe -1 red dress +1 sharpshooter do you don't just lose to archer.

24 Aug 2022 Gaslight

Recently I've dropped the Levy/SoT since it only matters in a grinder matchup. -1 red dress +1 sharshooter -1 levy -1 SoT +1 clone chip +1 akamatsu mem chip -- makes you less reliant on getting Box-E out

If you hate grinder you can probably drop a clone chip for feedback filter

25 Aug 2022 presheaf

Since you're on ProCo (and are Kate) Hyperdriver seems better than Diesel. The MU might be a pain, but the value is nuts, so I'd consider finding a way.

30 Aug 2022 Gaslight

That has proven to be a positive change for sure. Even if proco isn't on the table it can help you find it. Or if you're poor spend the extra clicks on armitage. Thumbs up.