Goodstuff CT

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Deck valid after First Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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TheBigBoy 103

This is sort of 2 decks in one. You can play aggressive with desperado, sucker, parasite when you need to attack, and can play solitaire with proco, hyperdriver, workshop and stimhack if they turtle up.

Your main wincon is efficient RDI runs, so pressure enough to spread them thin and then R&D lock them.

Watch out for net damage decks. You only have 40 cards and your solitaire plan involves a lot of drawing. Don’t be afraid to click for 4 and save your cards as hitpoints once you have access to your rig.

31 Oct 2022 zailey

Nice finally get to see this monster. I see you took out Hostage. Not having diesel's is my favorite part for sure tho.

31 Oct 2022 zailey

**Hostage oops

31 Oct 2022 TheBigBoy

Yeah getting proco right away isn’t as urgent as I thought.