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zailey 301

Only an eyepatch with x-ray vision will save the runner from the dreaded flip. The house always wins!

The idea is that you have a flexible plan either to score Fetals from the board with Angler + Ben + Hokusai Grid (protected by the threat of a Brewery flip) or FA 3/2s with SfT and Biotic.

You can also choose to go Greenhouse and flip for 3 points which complements your other scoring methods, meaning you can often win out with only 3 agendas scored. The Biotic lets you do this from hand.

The art of piloting is which of the 3 IDs to choose (always choose The Tank vs. Noise for style). Since both Brewery and Greenhouse support the wincons you can keep the runner guessing. Remember to never flip the Greenhouse on your first score!


Pictured: dead runner gettin' spaced from your fancy casino. Don't take hits on 17 unless you're sure!

6 Dec 2022 Gaslight

Seems okay to flip to early score a 5/3 if you're going rush. You've done it to me before and I never caught up.

6 Dec 2022 zailey

That's true. It weakens your net damage scoring plan tho.

19 Jan 2024 Fluffy1

What do you replace SfT with?