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zailey 297

I hid my hand 'til the last minute with this one. Grail ICE and psycho-mids is the plan. TarMar is really good if you name the breaker they need to steal your agenda, then name their R&D pressure card on steal. Usually I played mids for all my credits then bounced back with TarMar and FA'd out to win.

Round 1 vs. Gaslight's Gabe: Never got ahead on credits and On The Trail kept clearing my TarMar :(

Round 2 vs. TheBigBoy's Chaos Theory: TarMar+Gearchecks for the win. I remember this game was absurdly close but R&D was good to me.

Round 3 vs. beyoken's Exile: Once again R&D was clutch. I think I got 20 creds off of TarMar this game and psycho'd out the win.

Not gonna post my runner list because it didn't win any games!! Didn't get enough econ for my bad fracter.