Operation • Cost: 1 • Influence: 1

Play only if you scored an agenda this turn.

Search R&D for 2 cards and add them to HQ. Shuffle R&D.

"I believe you'll find the terms are quite favorable."
Weyland Consortium • Kate Niemczyk • Core Set 97
All sets:
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Aggressive Negotiation
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Aggressive Negotiation

*Changes: Tutors 1<2 cards. Gish Gallop has come out.

*Pros: The only other Corp card that lets you pull any amount of cards out of R&D without revealing them is The Future is Now, which could combo with this if you never-advance TFIN with SanSan etc. This also lets you pull 2 cards. Weyland seems to be the best faction for combos, with Project Atlas, Scorched Earth, Punitive Counterstrike Weyland Consortium: Because We Built It's 22 influence, and just the most sheer power cards of any faction. Only 1 influence, so you can put this into for Gish Gallop.

*Cons: You have to score an agenda and have a click left over. This means either no fast-advance or going overkill on fast-advance. Originally playing this after you scored Project Atlas just meant you didn't have to show the card but had to pull it right away. Now you have Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer after HQ with Imp. If you want agendas, Fast Track is just better. You have to have room in your hand for the tutored cards.

6/10 More wombo-combo for Weyland.

(Mind and Mayhem era)