Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Janus 1.0, the best strategy guide printed on a card other than Always Be Running.
Changes: Rez cost 15>12. Now worse for Blue Sun: Powering the Future Oversight AI combos, but better for most other decks, even if they were just running Bioroid Efficiency Research to rez it free.
Pros: Absolutely horrendous face-check, the Runner can't click through all 4 brain damage unless they are using Early Bird or other click-gaining jank. Very high strength combines to make this always a huge nuisance to hit as Runner.
Cons: Very expensive to rez without Howler, Awakening Center, or other ice discounts. e3 Feedback Implants is this ice's Kryptonite, as they can through it after spending a click. Adam: Compulsive Hacker will usually run e3 Implants, but he has lower hand-size already.
8/10 Best mammoth sentry, even outside of Cybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded or Echo Memvaults: Reality Reimagined.