Identity: Division • Deck: 45 • Influence: 15

Front face: When the Runner’s turn ends, do 2 brain damage (cannot be prevented) and flip this identity.

Back face: The Runner cannot be flatlined.

(If they would be flatlined, instead they take damage equal to the number of cards in their grip.)

Where dreams transcend the flesh.
Haas-Bioroid • Karl Erik Holter via DALL-E • Mind and Mayhem 1
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Links: Decklists | ANCUR
Echo Memvaults: Reality Reimagined
MWL Entries

No MWL Entries for this card.

  • A card with two faces always enters play as the front face. Whenever it is not in play, it is considered to be the front face. When a game effect instructs you to flip it, it is transformed into the card on its other face, and loses all abilities and attributes on its other face.

  • If a Runner decides to pay the additional cost to steal of Ben Musashi (of suffering 2 net damage), the cost is considered to be paid even if Echo Memvaults prevents them from flatlining (even if they did not end up discarding any cards as a result of it).


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