Resource • Install: 0 • Influence: 0

Your maximum hand size is increased by 2.

"I'm just thankful that the brain damage is reversible. With the support of the city of New Angeles, I hope to be on my feet and back to practicing my art very soon." -Kate "Mac" McCaffrey
Neutral • Mauricio Herrera • Cyber Exodus 50
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Public Sympathy
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Public Sympathy, the opposite of Safety First.

  • Changes: Install cost 2>0 This is more like it.

  • Pros: Negate brain damage. Adam: Compulsive Hacker likes this, since his Brain Chip may take a while to come online. If you have a full hand, you don't need Plascrete Carapace. Wyld-Cakes won't overflow into your heap so fast.

  • Cons: You can usually do without it, and you may prefer Brain Cage for an even bigger hand. Adam's Brain Chip is usually adequate.

6/10 Good tech for situations in your own deck as well as your opponent's.

(Mind and Mayhem era)