Operation: Gray Ops • Cost: 0 • Influence: 1

Play only if the Runner is tagged.

Give the Runner 4 tags.

Looking out for your interests since 1984.
NBN • Matt Zeilinger • Trace Amount 35
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Big Brother
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Big Brother, Midseason Replacements' replacement.

  • Changes: Gives Runner 2<4 tags. Twice the fun! Now the Runner will have to spend their whole turn undoing the effects of this card, or go tag-me!

  • Pros: Drown the Runner in tags, and play the great tag-punishment cards, some of which can single-handedly win you the game, like Scorched Earth, Exchange of Information, or Psycho-Beale.

  • Cons: Some trolls might run Data Leak Reversal, or have other reasons not to care about tags. You have to tag the Runner first.

9/10 Even if Astrotrain is dead, is ready to conquer the brave new world of Reboot.

(Mind and Mayhem era)