ICE: Code Gate - Bioroid - Tracer - AP • Rez: 5 • Strength: 6 • Influence: 3

The Runner can spend clickclick to break up to 2 subroutines on Viktor 2.0.

Hosted power counter: Do 1 brain damage.

subroutine Trace [2]– If successful, place 1 power counter on Viktor 2.0.

subroutine End the run.

Haas-Bioroid • Daniel Atanasov • Creation and Control 19
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Viktor 2.0
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Viktor 2.0, 's Data Raven.

  • Changes: Strength 5<6. Now costs an additional 1 for Ninja to break.

  • Pros: Very high-strength code gate bioroid. Yog.0 dislikes this a lot. You can't just through 1 of its subroutines, you have to through both, and if they stick a Tyr's Hand on you, you have to spend like a peasant. Allows you to save that brain damage for later in the form of a token, and force them to have a card in their hand for the rest of the game or trash Viktor 2.0. If the Runner tries to get rid of him, you can spend the token. Good synergy with Helium-3 Deposit. Decent rez cost. Unlike most bioroids immune to e3 Feedback Implants.

  • Cons: Helium-3 Deposit is a junk card, and Trace [2] is rather weak. You aren't really going to get any brain damage out of this fellow. Only 2 subroutines means he is still vulnerable to being ed through.

7/10 Outstanding code gate.

(Style and Slander era)