Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Sahasrara, the darling of glacier decks. Yes, Runners have glacier decks.
Changes: Install cost 2>1. Everyone gets to be Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker on this one.
Pros: Cheapen program installs by 2 per turn. Cheap to put down, Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar loves this card, making Technical Writer an even better card. Chameleon loves this, making it free to install each turn, if you have an Autoscripter and a London Library out of Hayley, you can install 2 Chameleons each turn for 0 and 0. Combos well with Subsidized Processor to play a really big rig.
Cons: Takes up 1, and you can't use it on a program that would make you trash it.
6/10 Why is no one on this? There are 0 published decks on here with it.