Resource: Link • Install: 3 • Influence: 2


Your maximum hand size is increased by 3.

Some people have their own satellite receiver. Others have their own satellite.
Shaper • Trudi Castle • Creation and Control 50
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Borrowed Satellite
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Borrowed Satellite, previously useless.

  • Changes: Handsize increase 1<3.

  • Pros: Access to Globalsec glued to a super-Public Sympathy. A larger hand allows you to

    • Avoid Scorched Earth.
    • Hold more cards in your hand.
    • Use Duggar's, the most powerful draw effect in existence, and still hold the cards.
    • Not die from brain damage or Defective Brainchips-type fake brain damage.
  • Cons: You're paying to save deck-slots, if you don't want and hand size, you shouldn't be on this unless you're trying to get lots of handsize and need more than Public Sympathy can provide. Brain Cage does the same thing just with a net damage tacked on in effect.

6/10 There's a fun Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar/Duggar's deck with this.

(Mind and Mayhem era)