Resource: Connection • Install: 0 • Influence: 1

You cannot use Tri-maf Contact more than once per turn.

click: Gain 2credit.

When Tri-maf Contact is trashed, suffer 3 meat damage.

She slipped back onto her hopper. "I'm your family now, so don't twist me, dǒng ma?"
He flicked the e-cig away from his mouth, and nodded. What had he gotten himself into?
Criminal • Ashley Witter • Honor and Profit 50
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Tri-maf Contact
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: Tri-maf Contact, Scorched Earth on a stick! Wait, what?

6/10 Great econ if you can avoid being tagged.

(Style and Slander era)