Event: Run - Job • Cost: 5 • Influence: 3

Make a run on a server with at least 1 piece of unrezzed ice. When the run ends, gain 12credit if it was successful.

Criminal • Adam S. Doyle • Reflections 7
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High-Stakes Job
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Welcome to Reviewing the Little Boot Icon, an unfortunately named series of reviews for Reboot-modified cards. Today's review: High-Stakes Job, which has the Job subtype even though Inside Job doesn't. As QuimicoDan would say: Oppression!

7/10 Should be a 1x or 2x in every Ken "Express" Tenma: Disappeared Clone except maybe those Forged Activation Orders/Collective Consciousness builds that make the Corp rez everything. Actually even those, as they play derez effects.

(Equity and Eternity era)